A Family Replacement Home
Dhanu Maya lives in Surkhet, a town in the far west of Nepal. Around 1998 she and her mother started taking care of children that no longer had parents that could care for them. She took them into her own home because she had a deep urge of wanting to help.
The children come from the remote districts of West-Nepal. Sometimes they are brought to Dhanu Maya by local authorities as babies. The younger children go to school. The older children study in the capital or have a job.
When possible, contact with the families is maintained and families are involved in the care of the children. Most of the children are officially adopted by Dhanu Maya. The children are guided to independence, so that they can build a life in the environment where they were born.
In order to finance the care she provides, Dhanu Maya started a nursery in 2016. In addition, she is supported by occasional donations.